Santa and the Little Teddy Bear, written by author and illustrator, Peter John Lucking, combines fantasy with fiction in this delightful tale of Christmas. Lucking weaves a tapestry of fun and history that captures the imagination and frees the spirit for adults and children alike.
Lucking wrote Santa and the Little Teddy Bear in the style of other Christmas classics such as those written by Dickens and Hans Christian Anderson - with a twist that will bring tears of joy and laughter. When you take a ride with Santa and the Little Teddy Bear, you'll experience exotic places filled with emerald isles and steamy swamps while singing along with the reindeer.
Teddy Bear has a wish of being a very special Christmas gift for some lucky child and as he and Santa search for his new home, Teddy makes new friends, learns a lot about Christmases past, including the nativity, gains self-esteem and lives a life never imagined in his wildest dreams. Lucking brings the bear to life as he explains cultures and strange creatures on a magical Christmas ride.
Lucking uses his expertise as a wordsmith to pull from his own vast travel experiences and various cultures of the world to explain traditions with song and dance. Kids and adults will sing along around the world and beyond as Santa and the Teddy Bear stop in to visit and learn. The book is thought provoking about how we progress as human beings - from our very beginning as a baby to how we grow as we search for enlightenment.
The first chapter of Santa and the Little Teddy Bear takes place in a toy shop where there is an eerie quiet among the toys. The day had been hectic with shoppers clamoring to find the perfect Christmas gift for a special child. The bear could only watch as his friends were grabbed up before him - but at the end of the day, he was left on the shelf.
Little Teddy Bear knew in his heart of hearts that he could bring joy and laughter into a child's life, but he was getting discouraged. In the second chapter of Santa and the Little Teddy Bear, Santa magically appears to take the bear on the journey of his life and to show him the real meaning of Christmas and how cultures the world over celebrate this special event.
Peter John Lucking bases his story on other Christmas classics he enjoyed as a child and, as an extra bonus, he inserts Christmas carols in the story so that kids and adults will enjoy singing along as they read and learn about the true meaning of Christmas. The book can be read time and again by grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles and to be brought out each year as a tradition that will continue forever.
Santa and the Little Teddy Bear is beautifully illustrated and peppered with Christmas carols that everyone can sing and enjoy. It's a book full of action-packed adventures and one that you'll want to read with your child again and again.
Lauren Smith is editor for the Virtual Book Review Network - reviews books by well known bestselling authors and books by soon to be recognized names. For more information, visit: This review covers "Santa & the Little Teddy Bear," by Peter John Lucking.
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